Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Prayers for Baby Bowers
Baby Bowers was born last night to Sam Bowers and wife (Sam is the donor we were trying to reach). He had to be airlifted to Vanderbilt because he needed emergency surgery to repair his heart. We don't have the details, but we do know how scary this all is to the family. Pete talked to the Grandmother who gave as many details as she we get the info (I'd like his name!), I'll pass it along. Until then, just pray.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Needing More Help!

The organization I blogged for this past Saturday is one that advocates for these kids....they too feel that deaf children should have the equipment they need. Seriously, it makes me sad that we even have to have an organization to do should be an automatic thing that we do...take care of our children. I'm simple though...I guess it's much deeper than that....
Anyway, I know that money is really tight for all of us right now and that's why I am thrilled that Nessa has set up a way for you all to donate to Blogathon 2008 without spending a dime!! Please head over to her blog and read all the takes less than a minute, won't cost you a single cent, and she's giving away prizes!! Woohoo!!
Of course, if you want to donate more you certainly can. All you need to do is click here and then send me an email at pdoriot(at)chartertn(dot) net or leave a comment and tell me the amount you've donated. I will post your name...unless you wish to remain anonymous. I only ask you to send me the amount so I can keep track goal-wise!CURRENT DONATIONS: $155 only $345 more to go!!
Kidd Dynamite
Nessa and Gang in memory of Serena who recently passed away.
Crazy Tanya
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Blogathon 2008

Nessa, from Absolutely Moms and According to Me, has graciously offered all of her monies earned from her Lilaguide registrations!! Lilaguide is a new site with lots of different communities. Nessa has started a group for WAH or SAH moms where we can exchange tips and ideas, read product reviews and even find great blogs to read! This community is new and is growing daily...I know you don't want to miss out on this!! Even if you are not a WAH or SAH mom yet, you are still welcome...heck, even if you're not a mom yet, come on in! lol!!
Sign-up is easy-peasy. All you have to do is sign up here and when you do so, Nessa will make as bit of money which she will be sending to me as a donation for Blogathon 2008. So see, you can donate even if you have absolutely no money cool is that!?
Seriously, this is so easy....just a smidge of time and you've joined a cool group AND you've helped make a difference in the life of a deaf child! So do it...ok?
banner: Shabby Fall Page set by Shabby PrincessFriday, July 11, 2008
Prayers for Maddie

I usually don't post information or photos without permission, but I felt led to do so this time. I think it is because Pete and I have been where this family is right at this moment and we know how the power of prayer can envelope us in peace. That is exactly what I want all of us to pray...that the family of Maddie Harrill will feel that peace of God that goes far beyond our own understanding.
Maddie has cancer and has been given a poor prognosis. I believe she is currently at East Tennessee Children's Hospital which is where we spent so much time. I know that the whole family is being cared for well by the nurses and doctors there...we were so I imagine they are too.
Her parents are hurting, yet they remain full of faith. Folks, watching your child die is so very hard so please, please, please make time to pray for this family today. I rejoice that Maddie will soon be seeing the glories of Heaven, but my heart is breaking for her mom and dad. Of course, there is always hope that Maddie will be healed her on earth, but sometimes the miracle of healing takes place not on this side of Heaven. Regardless, God has Maddie in his hands...
You can read more about Maddie...and see some great photos....over at her Carepage. Type in MaddieHarrill as one word.