Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Manual Alphabet

courtesy of CeDIR
Update on Aoife
"Aoife is at home! Mom and Dad brought her home last night. The doctors want her to continue gaining strength before heart surgery, but she's breathing fine on her own. Thank you for all the prayers."
- Gramma Rice
Please go check out her site...she is such a cutie. I absolutely love the picture of her with her Aunt Mindy. I hope I can meet Aoife one day!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Meet Aoife Evangeline

Aoife (ee-fuh) was born with Down Syndrome this past July. She weighed 6lbs 8ozs.
On January 8th of this year, she contracted RSV and on the 14th she stopped breathing and was rushed to the hospital. She was later airlifted to the regional Childrens Hospital where she is currently recovering from RSV and Double Pneumonia. During all of this, the doctors discovered that Aoife has congestive heart failure and needs surgery. Aoife needs to be bigger and stronger so the surgery can take place.
Aoife has three big sisters and one big brother. Please take a few moments to visit her site to read all about her and her family's needs. There are also banner codes you can add to your blog or site so that others can join in lifting this family up.
Let's storm Heaven with prayers for this sweet little girl and her family!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
In Memory... Happy Birthday Gus!
Please consider organ donation. There are a lot of children who die on the waiting list because parents do not donate their child's organs. Organ donation is something you should decide before you are in the situation where you need to decide quickly. It is not something that is easily talked about but let me reassure you that talking about it doesn't kill you or your child!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Noah Steven "Crowned in Peace"
This is from their letter on their blog..."We do not feel as though we are giving up, but rather we have been given the opportunity to give our son as a living sacrifice to God. To place Noah fully at God’s feet. No strings attached, no expectations, but a sweet gift in which we undoubtedly know God will delight."
What a beautiful testimony of the Peace that goes beyond all understanding. Please take time out to read the entries in Noah's blog and be sure to leave comments for the family. Comments are truly encouraging!
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Samuel Finn Doriot
19 weeks gestational age--cord accident
A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam
And for a brief moment
it's glory and beauty belong to our world.
But then it flies on again
And though we wish it could have stayed
We feel so lucky to have seen it.
Author Unknown
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday Grayson!!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Playing Catch-Up...
I am waaaay behind in my ASL (American Sign Language) class and I need to play some "catch-up". I'm going to be hanging out withDr. Bill over at LifePrint and use his free online curriculum to do this! LifePrint is probably my most favorite ASL site...it is very easy to follow and there are photos and animations. Dr. Bill's site is set up in lessons and really goes into teaching about the Deaf culture. There's also a section titled "Baby's First Signs". There are other online ASL dictionaries that I like too...ASLPro is one of them.
I started learning ASL because Gus was bilaterally and profoundly deaf. I am continuing to learn ASL in hopes that I will be able to communicate with other special needs kids...not only those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing but also those who are challenged in other ways. It is a beautiful language that I encourage you to try out!!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Red Tulip Field in Lisse, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands Izzet Keribar
I know that quite a few of you are already familiar with the story "Welcome to Holland" by Emily Perl Kingsley. If you are not, please take the time to read it here. It is one of my favorites!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I'm Special Too! Siblings of Special Needs Children
I found this article about siblings of special needs children and thought it might be helpful....
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Remembering Emma
Today, we celebrate Emma's 1st birthday. She is no longer with us but has gone Home and though she is missed, we know she is healed and happy! Please join with me and remember Emma's family on this special day....
Also, please visit Emma's link in the sidebar for more pictures!