Word has it that Izzy is loving Kindergarten! And I'm sure those assisting her during school are loving her!! Lots of neat things going on with this little chick so be sure to head over to
her blog and read all about all her school adventures...neat!
Hi Jenny- About the picture over at Blessed Nest...The picture can be a family picture but I would love a picture of little Gus because his momma is a reader of BN. Can I clip one from this site? or can you e-mail me one? Blessings my friend!
ps we are working with nicu nurses and hospitals to provice Nesting Pillows in the nicu! wish you would have had one too! Even just to snuggle!
I have two that were born early. One was induced at 36 weeks due to me have toxemia. My bp soared to 160/100. He spent 3 days in NICU because he stopped breathing in the nursery. He was 7lbs 1.5 oz at 4 weeks early!
The other one was induced at 34 weeks due to complications and me telling the OB my stomach felt like it was burning... the reason why was discovered during the emergency C-Section... my uterine walls had thinned out so much that you could see my baby through them. He spent 10 days in NICU for breathing and jaundice. He was so orange.
I am thankful for the NICU nurses and my OB's who were on the ball with my pregnancies/births/babies. What a blessing they were!
This blog reminds me of all those little precious babies I saw in NICU. I pray they are growing stronger every day.
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