Friday, September 21, 2007

Look at This Squeezie!!

Absolutely squeezable....really, I would have a hard time keeping my hands off this little guy!

I was thrilled to read that Noah and his mommy will probably be heading "home-home" on October 25th!! He is eating well and making great progress....his mommy is excited and so am I!

Let's remember to continue to pray for this little trooper, his family (his big sister!). Also, Noah's mom mentioned that her Aunt has had some medical complications and needs our prayers also.


Crystal said...

Thank you for the constant support you have given me and for being such a huge prayer advocate on Noah's behalf.

P.S. I've nominated you for a Blogging award. Please check out my website for details.

Anonymous said...

I don't know you, but would like to thank you for all the support you have given Crystal, Noah and her family. I love the banner you mader her. You truly are an angel! Thanks so much! Love, Jen (Crystal's friend in Utah)