I have been a complete loser when it comes to keeping you all updated about these kiddos...and I'm sorry for that. So, without further delay, I give you an update on Izzy!
Izzy continues to do well with her therapy and her and Bear, one of her therapists, are becoming good friends. Annie wrote that the IEP has been completed (woohoo!!) and it looks like Izzy will be in the classroom more often since it is believed that she understands much more than originally thought!! That is so exciting!!
Izzy is so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring family who refuses to give up on her. All her sibs are capable of helping with her exercises and such at home...I think this is so important for Izzy and for her sibs. People sometimes forget that the best therapy there is for children is that of their sibs. Annie is a very smart mom and knows this!!
I love seeing how God is working through Izzy!! Neat!
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